Saturday, September 19, 2009


Life is an interesting thing. Sometimes I wonder why we plan for the future because you never really know what is going to be handed to you.

Ben has been looking for jobs for about a year now. He's gotten plenty of job interviews for jobs that he is qualified or over qualified for, but yet nothing ever seemed to happen. He always just kept saying that they weren't places where we needed to be and that the right job would come around at the right time. The right time...yeah right! :-)

This past week Ben was asked to fill two different job spots. One is in Utah where he will be a conservation officer in Northeast Utah. The job deals with making sure everyone is legally hunting and not doing anything illegal. The other job is in central Oregon (the middle of nowhere)! He'd be doing his biology research there for a few months and then hopefully get the full-time position that opens up for the same job.

We finally reached the end of the job drought, but not quite when I had expected it too!

Oregon is the job that is sounding more of what Ben really wants to do. This job definetely isn't the best job ever, but it will get his foot in the door with the Oregon Wildlife Department. However, I'm pregnant and the baby is due in 3 months! This is where the whole bad timing comes into play. I can't leave Utah with Ben. How sad is that?! One of the first things I've wanted to do since I got here. I have to stay and finish my last semester at BYU and I have to stay here to have the baby. Not the best timing. In church we had a lesson about the pioneer women and the trials that they went through, one being childbirth. A comment was made about how the women probably didn't want to give birth in the most awful of circumstances, they just dealt with it because that was the only choice they had. I'm sure they also made the best out of it and had a lot of faith too. I feel like that. I definetely wouldn't choose to be away from Ben the last few months of pregnancy, but it's the only choice there is and I'll deal with it!

1 comment:

  1. Laura, you are one tough lady! Hang in there. It stinks when we have to do those things that we really don't want to, but have to deal with. As much as they stink at the time, it usually ends up being just fine.
