Here are just a few pictures of our Knecht Family Reunion. We all had a fun time doing about everything possible you can do outdoors.
I just thought this was a super cute picture. Little Luke sure knows how to cheese it up for pictures. We were on our way to the hay-ride and cook-out.
After an intense game of tug-of-war, I decided I was on the wrong team! I lost against my sisters how embarrassing. ;-)
Ben tried to wind surf. He finally got the hang of things after a couple of hours. He definetely doesn't give up easy. The life-guard actually had to come tow him to the opposite side of the lake because he kept drifting towards the dam while trying to get going on the surfboard. I was ina a kayak next to him, giving moral support! :-)
That right baby...about the tug of war! Don't mess with the "old" mommies! We've got guns that never stop, no matter if we are turning 34 this month or not! HA!